Meet Our Advisory Council Team

Advisory Council in agriculture shall collaborate and accumulate data and takeaways from the industry and from any activity or event in order to prepare Reports, White Papers, etc. for the Committee to construct a formidable and effective representation. TGSC shall be a Force Multiplier by doing a robust ground work that lays the foundation of an equally strong voice of the industry and shall promote business values and ethics amongst the stakeholders from the Industry and help them by playing an advisory role and taking directional decisions. In order to identify the scope of robotics, automation and artificial intelligence in the Agriculture industry and evaluate the challenges and opportunities, simultaneously suggesting in principle processes and procedures to be adopted to circumvent the challenges. Of late there has been an acute rise in the extensive use of drone technology in agriculture which has reduced costs and augmented production. Artificial Intelligence has facilitated dairy, poultry, fish farming, etc., in the accumulation of data for feed and health management.