Our Mission

The Indian Association For Food & Agricultural Technology Development is dedicated to advancing the food and agricultural sector in India by promoting innovation and technology. Our mission is to:

  • Identify and address the challenges facing the food and agricultural sector in India, and to develop innovative solutions that promote sustainable growth and development.
  • Foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among stakeholders in the food and agricultural sector in India, including researchers, policymakers, industry leaders, and other key players.
  • Promote the adoption of cutting-edge technologies and best practices in the food and agricultural sector, with a focus on improving efficiency, increasing yields, and reducing waste.
  • Support the next generation of food and agricultural professionals in India through scholarship programs, mentorship, and other initiatives.
  • Advocate for policies and practices that promote sustainability, social responsibility, and economic growth in the food and agricultural sector in India.

We are committed to driving positive change in the food and agricultural sector in India, and to creating a brighter future for all stakeholders in the sector.


Our vision is to create a thriving food and agricultural sector in India. We see a future where innovative technologies and best practices are adopted across the sector, leading to improved efficiency, increased yields, and reduced waste. We envision a sector that is sustainable, socially responsible, and economically viable, creating new opportunities for growth and development in rural and urban communities alike.

We believe that achieving this vision will require collaboration and a shared commitment to innovation and excellence. We are dedicated to bringing together stakeholders from across the food and agricultural sector in India, including researchers, policymakers, industry leaders, and other key players. Through knowledge-sharing, advocacy, and the promotion of cutting-edge technologies and practices, we are confident that we can drive positive change and create a brighter future for all stakeholders in the sector.